Tantric Journey School of Healing

Tantric Journey

When searching for an authentic tantra massage it can be difficult to know where to turn. Seeking a Tantra Massage may mean that you also have lots of questions and at Tantric Journey, London the qualified and knowledgeable tantra therapists have always got the time to answer your queries on tantra massage.

You may be searching for tantra massage and at the same time wondering, ‘’what is tantra?’’ Well, tantra is a Sanskrit word for ‘weave’ or ‘woven together’ and it can be loosely translated to mean ‘to expand’, indeed a truly authentic tantric massage is liberating and deeply expands your ability to experience bliss in all areas of your life.  If you go to a Tantric Journey Tantra therapist you will find that the tantric massage will liberate your innermost sexual energy so that you are able to feel true revitalization and reach great levels of pleasure and ecstasy.


If you receive a course of tantra massage treatments from Tantric Journey you will find it an education and will find that you learn much about yourself and indeed tantra. In many ways your tantric journey therapist will be your guide and Tantra Teacher. If you are looking for a Tantra Teacher then Tantric Journey offers an excellent range of courses for beginners, couples and those who want to become tantra practitioners. The main Tantra Teacher at Tantric Journey is Mal Weeraratne who has been offering Tantra massage and tantra treatments for over twenty years. Mal is a highly inspirational and gifted Tantra Teacher being able to impart his valuable knowledge and techniques in Tantra in a truly unique way.

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